Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14
A message from Honest Abe
Puppets For
Fire Departments!
Welcome to, your kid's and teen's church on the web!
Did you know that there is someone who loves you very much? He will help you through any problem. He cares for you. He wants to hear your thoughts, concerns, problems, even your jokes! He wants to talk to you every day and be involved with your life. I'm talking about Jesus Christ. If you want to know more, read our "How and Why To Become A Christian" page. If you have any other questions, or need to discuss it with someone, e-mail MrGene.
I hope there will be some things here that you enjoy. I pray all of it will help you in your relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.
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Make sure you join on our Membership page! It's free!
We want kids of all ages, even old people, to join. Pastors and Children's Church workers that use our free materials (Scripts Home) are highly encouraged to become members. You can be a member of your sit down church and at the same time!
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you can do so using PayPal. Thank you.